Customers often ask if the mattress a person is sleeping on can affect their sleep quality and health. The answer is a resounding YES, and the best night's sleep one get should be on their own mattress.
Beware: 6 signs that your mattress could be taking a toll on your sleep
- Have you woken up feeling unrested?
- Do you sleep better on a different bed, for example at a hotel or a relative's home?
- Can you sense lumps, springs, or sagging in your mattress?
- Do you have to lie on a particular place in your mattress to get to sleep?
- Is it almost as easy for you to fall asleep on the sofa as it is in your own bed?
- Does your mattress make any sound when you move in bed?
If you have said yes to any of the above questions, then your mattress is robbing you of your sleep health.

Everyone deserves a good night's rest
Your sleep is crucial to your quality of life. In today's fast-paced society, there is simply too much to do and not enough time. Yet your body still requires sufficient sleep to regenerate each day to give you sufficient energy for the next day. If you suspect your mattress is giving you less than stellar sleep health, then it's time for a new mattress! Everyone deserves a good night's rest. There is no need to wait until the situation is so dire that you're simply not comfortable lying in your own bed.
Do not make the common mistake of confusing the quantity of sleep with quality. For example, if your mattress does not properly support your spine, then even a long night's sleep will not feel particularly restful to you. You may even wake up in the morning experiencing back pain. In contrast, you'll be able to feel fully rested and refreshed on the perfect mattress, even if you get fewer hours of sleep. In that case, just imagine how fantastic a long sleep on the perfect mattress would feel!
What is the perfect mattress?
Everyone is unique, so there is no one-size-fits-all solution to the perfect mattress. There are several factors to consider when selecting which mattress to buy. The most important factor is your comfort, and the only way to determine that is to actually lie on a mattress to test it out. Although you can and should try out the mattress in the showroom, the top reputable mattress bedding stores will also offer you an in-home trial. This is where you can actually test out the mattress for up to 100 days in your own home. If you are not entirely satisfied, the bedding store should be able to change it out for you. The idea here is to be certain that at the end of the day, you will have the perfect mattress for you.
However, before even getting to the point of an in-home trial, you might want to find out more online or at a bedding store about the different types of mattress materials. They all have different pros and cons, but if it has been a long time since you were last in the market for a mattress, you should be aware that latex is rapidly becoming one of the most highly recommended mattress materials. This is due to its comfort, durability, natural origin (from the sap of the rubber tree), natural mould resistance and allergen resistance. Of course, the choice of mattress type is ultimately up to you. Always remember, you are in control of regaining your sleep health.

Under every perfect mattress is the perfect base
If budget constraint is an issue for you, then certainly the mattress should be your main focal point at the moment. However, if you have the financial means, do consider purchasing a new bed base along with a new mattress to reap the best benefits in your sleep health. A mattress will perform to its utmost when placed on a new, good quality bed base. And on the other hand, even the best mattress cannot help but sag if the bed base is sagging.
In warm and humid climates such as Singapore, the European style of adjustable sprung slatted bed base is ideal. This is because the slats allow excellent airflow to maintain the hygiene you desire, while simultaneously offering natural springiness for optimal mattress support and comfort.
Regaining your sleep health
Ultimately, while the mattress upon which you sleep comprises one of the most important parts of your sleep health, it is not the only part. You could purchase a new mattress only to stay awake much of the night because you have had a lot of coffee that day, for example. So make sure you exercise sensibly, set a regular bedtime most days when possible, and ensure you have your room sufficiently dark during bed time.
When you regain your sleep health, you will feel better and be healthier. You'll be able to fight off infections better, be more effective at work, and drive more safely. Not only will this increased well-being benefit you, but your improved mood and outlook will also benefit your relationships with others.
You can't put a price tag on a good night's sleep. And the best night's sleep you get should be on your own mattress.